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Bay Area News

Check here every day for local news that matters to the greater Bay Area. We count on readers like you to support this journalism through our 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Bay City News Foundation.

Inside/Out: A Prison Journalism Project

Incarceration and justice reform’s ripple effects continue to be felt heavily in our society. Our prison news coverage delves into the complex issues surrounding the penal system, shedding light on the ongoing challenges and reforms that impact the lives of those behind bars and the communities they return to- including reporting by prison journalist Steve Brooks, who was selected to participate in the inaugural cohort of the California Local News Fellowship. A state-funded initiative based at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism to strengthen local public affairs reporting, Brooks will be a part-time contributing writer for Bay City News Foundation. He covers issues of incarceration, criminal justice and human rights. 

Housing & Homelessness

Housing and homelessness are acute challenges for the pricey Bay Area. Our coverage touches on the affordability issues that make finding shelter such a complicated problem for so many.

Civic Engagement Hub

Keep up with local news about voter registration, Bay Area races, polling places, voter turnout and more. Find the latest results for local races and measures with specific details for every Bay Area county. 

Education Matters

Issues affecting schools in the greater Bay Area — and the students, teachers, administrators and parents involved with education — matter to the health of our communities. We publish stories from our independent journalists and in partnership with other outlets such as EdSource.

Public Health & COVID-19 Hub

Providing information to help you navigate the novel coronavirus pandemic, including the daily cases, updates on protective measures and other news. Have a question or feedback about this site? Contact the Local News Matters newsroom here.

Aging & Longevity in the Bay Area

With California’s senior population expected to grow by two-thirds in the next two decades, one of the biggest questions is how prepared the state is to meet that challenge. Stay up to date with the latest stories regarding aging in the Bay Area.

Inspire Me

Everyone, especially now, needs to have hope. We are publishing a series of stories and profiles that showcase the remarkable volunteers, first responders and everyday heroes who are stepping up to serve our communities. Tell us about the heroes in your life here and sign up for our weekly newsletter here.

Data Points

Data is the starting point for many stories about where we live, how our world is changing and what we might expect in the future. Find the serious and the silly here with comparisons from the Bay Area, which viewed together help to define our region.

Equity Ripples

Bay City News Foundation is partnering on this series with Bay Area Equity Atlas, a collaborative project with the S.F. Foundation, PolicyLink, and the USC Program for Environmental and Regional Equity.

Bay Area Arts & Entertainment

The Bay Area is a hub of artistic expression, attracting artists, writers and musicians from around the globe to live, work and create. We highlight some of the offerings here and invite you to sign up for a weekly newsletter with the weekend’s top choices for streaming movies and in-person events.

Bay City Sketchbook

Over the last five years, Joe Dworetzky has drawn more than a thousand cartoons on a wide range of social and political topics. These galleries showcase some recent areas of interest from a creative perspective.

Youth Voices

We value youth perspectives on issues from education to politics to culture. This section provides a space for youth voices from around the Bay Area, including high school and college journalists.

Science, Nature & Technology

Perched on the edge of the Pacific Ocean, our communities surround the natural San Francisco Bay, the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, and thousands of acres of wetlands. It is a key region for environmental research, news and activism.

Bay Area Wildfire and Drought Info Hub

Wildfires have been devastating for Bay Area communities in the last few years with tremendous loss of life, property and forests. Scientists, fire officials and local leaders worry that climate change and dry conditions are setting us up for another dangerous season. We track the trends and provide news you can use here.

California Currents

Stories about education, the economy, demographics, politics, health care, the environment and immigration in the state often impact the Bay Area. You can find stories about relevant California news here.


Some articles, written by experts, researchers and those with experience in their fields, have important perspectives to share. We highlight some of those commentary pieces here.

Remember When

The history of the Bay Area is full of colorful people, impactful events and stories of innovation and change. We highlight some of those defining features as a way to learn about our evolution as a region.

Special Projects

We often work collaboratively on projects that bring more context, deeper coverage or investigative journalism to our readers. Below is a collection of stories we did with ProPublica Local Reporting Network in 2020-21.

Lessons from Bay Area Police Reform; Looking at Past Practice, Future Potential in Vallejo

This series was reported by John Glidden, edited by Dan Rosenheim and funded by Solutions Journalism Network.

The San Francisco Bay Area is fertile ground to investigate the role of policing in diverse communities and police violence against Black and other people of color — and to learn what has worked to cut that violence while ensuring safety in these communities. With 8 million people, the Bay Area is a diverse region made up of separate jurisdictions that have different experiences with police reform efforts, some longer-standing (Oakland and Richmond), others more recent (San Francisco), and one just announced (Vallejo). With this as a backdrop, we applied a solutions journalism lens to evaluate four types of policing reforms that have been attempted, with mixed results, to achieve more public safety, more community trust, and less police violence in Vallejo.

Audio Files

Sometimes you just want to listen, not read or watch. This Week in the Bay gives you an entertaining, quick recap of the most compelling stories from the last few days. Voices of the Bay brings you the backstories of ordinary people in the Bay. And our other special audio projects bring in-depth coverage of critical issues from Local News Matters to you.

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